
From Co-Ed To An All Girls College: Say Hello To An Evolved Version Of Me!

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Story Information

This is a story about my journey from being a co-ed student to later being a part of an all-girls’ college. This is a story of how the transition helped me evolve as an individual. Trust me, a lot of us have been there.

I can say that I have seen life with its colours and its darkness. Being from an Army background, I have seen this country and its people from a closeness that people dream of. I always thought that I had seen it all and savoured life to its last drop. But alas! I was wrong.

I had seen schools and an environment where being with boys and experiencing the competition of brotherhood was common. Life was open and free to experience all the differences, starting from gender to likes and dislikes. I had friends who were boys and was sure this is the freedom that can never be taken away from me. I never realised that I was in a bubble of my own and had yet to face a world I never imagined was made for me.

Being a tomboy, the “girly” with those frills and beauty was not quite me. I preferred to stay away from girls and their mastery for games that played with minds. So imagine the surprise and shock when I went into an all-girls college. But guess what? The unexpected happened and I started enjoying and celebrating my college life. You must be wondering why? Because there were no judgements, no sly comments. There was no one to say “don’t sit like that”, or whisper and ask ” do you have a pad?”

I’m in my final year of college and I can proudly say that I am now an evolved version of myself– more empathetic, stronger, more confident and responsible.

Moral of the story:

Never fear changes that college life brings along, embrace them and cherish every moment that comes along.